Sunday, October 11, 2009

Though I Walk Through the Valley...

So the time has come again for David to leave. It seems that it should be easier now, this being our third deployment, but somehow it isn't. I've come to find myself in the same chasm of emotions before he leaves. I was alright with it, knowing time will pass quickly with school, work and then before i know it he would be home. But today, i felt like i was falling into a great space of loneliness. where i feel that I'm all alone, and the depth of the emotion is so strong. almost like a wave, you can't stop it, you just have to wait for it to pass over you. always waiting for that little lull of peace before the next wave hits.

I know that this all will pass and that we will come out on the other side, but it is the getting through that requires so much. it's a day to day battle to just keep my chin up and keep pushing on.
I truly believe that without the valleys we could never experience the mountain top, but is that valley that is so dark and seems to last for so long. the more i walk through it, the more familiar i become. the better i can prepare and armor myself in the face of my adversary.

2 Corinthians 1 tells us that trials are for our encouragement and deliverance. and it also reminds us that Yeshua will always be our conquering king; "The one in whom we have placed our hope will indeed continue to rescue us."

Rescue. Peace. Assurance. Praise.

This is my pattern. the praise brings the deliverance, while i give all glory to the Father.

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